endcoronavirus sales drive

#endcoronavirus sales drive

by web developer on April 02, 2020
#endcoronavirus sales drive - LEVITATION

For the next two weeks, April 2 – April 15, we will be donating net proceeds from Levitation merchandise to Direct Relief’s Coronavirus Response fund, which crucial medical supplies to hospitals and communities in the U.S. and abroad. The recent stimulus will help many in need, but there will continue to be many in need and at risk in our community, including un-documented workers. Direct Relief has a history and mission of identifying and assisting anyone and everyone in need, and we hope to help make a small difference with you.

If you’re able to make a purchase, we have lots of incredible artwork for sale and we hope to raise lots of money for the cause over the next two weeks!

Huge thanks to all those working on the frontlines of this crisis

Our fulfillment partners El Famoso, located in South East Austin, are still operating and shipping daily. The additional safety precautions they are taking to protect customers and workers means that orders may take a little longer to process and ship.

Please keep in mind that if you have pre-sales items (such as the new Holy Wave or Ringo Deathstarr records) in your order, the entire order will not ship until those products are ready to ship out.

Unlike some of our other charity drives where we have donated 100% of sales, in this case we are donating all profits after cost of goods and labor, which enables us to do this in a way that is sustainable for our organization. Generally our cost of goods + labor  totals just over 40% for merchandise like t-shirts and posters. So we will be donating 60% of all Levitation merchandise sales during this period.

This applies to everything in the store, except for records, since that money is shared with the bands and artists who are already in a rough spot due to cancelled tours and other lost income.


King Gizzard - Live in Las Vegas '24 (3LP Triple Gatefold) PRE-ORDER


King Gizzard - Live in Houston '24 (3LP Triple Gatefold) PRE-ORDER


King Gizzard - Live in Miami '24 (3LP Triple Gatefold) PRE-ORDER


Hooveriii - Manhunter LP (PRE-ORDER)


Hooveriii - Manhunter (T-Shirt)


Pachyman - Another Place (Levitation Edition) PRE-ORDER


SLIFT - ILION (Loser Edition + USA Tour Edition) Double LP


