by web developer on June 12, 2019

Dig into the latest episode of Al Lover’s ELEVATED TRANSMISSIONS, exploring the psychedelic underground of the past, present and future.

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Ty Segall – Taste

Well, Ty is back with quite a ripper here. The stereo presence of the fuzz on this just fantastic. Paired with horn arrangement and a funky breakbeat in the middle of the song. Come on, buddy, it don’t get that much better then this.

Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention – Hungry Freaks, Daddy

I remember when my Dad got me my first Zappa / Mothers CD, Live at the Roxy and Elsewhere. It was Christmas for when I was around 12 or 13. He was a huge Zappa fan, and I’d have to say after that Christmas so was I. I would stay up way past my bedtime listening to that album and wondering what the fuck a Penguin in Bondage was.

Funkadelic – I Wanna Know If It’s Good to You – Instrumental 1970 Version

We all think our Dad’s are kind of square until they tell you something casually like “Yeah, I saw Funkadelic back in the 70s, They were pretty good”. And instantly you whole world is shattered.

Them – You Got Me Good 

My Dad was always a big Van Morrison guy. As much as I love Van with all my heart because of this I still might be team Them. Now don’t get me wrong Brown Eyed Girl is a stone cold jam, but as he was writing what would become one of the staple dad rock jams of the future, the abandoned Them were still writing tripped out shit like this. 

Larry Williams, Johnny “Guitar” Watson & Kaleidoscope – Nobody

I think a lot of you men in the late 60s unknowingly became fathers to this song. I can imagine a lot of naked hippies dancing around at a lake party to this one.   

 Harmonica Paul – Motherless Child 

I don’t know who Harmonica Paul is, but he sounds like Tracy Chapman’s dad. Which I kinda dig. My Pops would bump Tracy everyone and again. Fast Car is fire, I wonder if Tracy is taking about Harmonica Paul when she mentions her father in that song?

Steve Miller Band – Can’t You Hear Your Daddy’s Heartbeat

This is a dope one from the king of the Dad Rock genre, Steve Miller Band. The Acid and Whiskey were still in their system for this one, a bit before the medical grade coke and champagne kept into fashion.

Flamin’ Groovies – Headin’ for the Texas Border

I would say the Flamin’ Groovies aren’t really Dad Rock, more like your Mom’s new chill boyfriend rock. He smokes pot and leaves the ashtray full of roaches out and doesn’t say shit when you steal them and go smoke them in the alley when you’re 14. 

Allah-Las – Could Be You

The Allah-Las are probably the band of our generation that will undoubtably lead to the most young men being gobsmacked when they get “I think I’m pregnant” call. You can’t help but want to unintentionally make some babies to this shit. 

Hoover iii – I Dream of Mark Lee

This one’s for all the Prog Dads out there. You know the type, They’re hip. They religiously bump King Crimson and Gilmore era Floyd but still want to keep up with the times and talk about the cool new bands they heard on NPR.

The Groundhogs – Rich Man, Poor Man

A lot of Motorcycles got worked on to this one. A lot of Budweiser’s were opened as well. I remember when my dad would let me sip his beer while he was working on motorcycles with his friends in the basement. I felt so damn cool, and I did’t even understand what cool was yet, but I knew it was something worth pursuing. 

Earth & Fire – (She Is) Wild And Exciting

I love this budget Shocking Blue. I’m sure Mariska Veres would roll her big ass eyes every time she heard this come on the Dutch rock radio stations. 

Los Dug Dug’s -Donde Esta A.N.?

This song makes me want to float down a gentle river. There might be light rapids at times, but nothing we can’t handle. Just a leisurely and relaxing afternoon on the water with the ol’ lady. “Look a deer having a drink at the river bed.So majestic!”

Juicy Lucy – Just One Time

We all know the Spacemen 3 version, but I was sonically smacked around when I hear the original. What a Jam! It’s pretty hilarious how well the brits could emulate american music and make it sound so authentic. I had no idea these guys were English until I just googled it. 

The Red Krayola – Victory Garden

It’s crazy how bad / amazing this band is and how many bands were ripping them off unbeknownst to me while I was soaking up lo-fi music in the early 2000s. It’s crazy when you hear something that was produced the 60s and automatically all these bands you thought were incredibly innovative just become carbon replicas of some mad freak named Mayonnaise, who was given money to make whatever weird shit he wanted because the music industry was trying to cash in on “psychedelia”.

Synanthesia – The Tale Of The Spider And The Fly

“Hey gang, I think we should take this old fairy tale that speaks of the potential casualty of naivety in the face of predatory manipulation and make a folk song out of it. What do you think? I was strumming some chords in this field at dusk and it dawned on me how much of a cultural impact it might have in these crazy times of civil unrest.”

“Uh, sure mate, let’s hear it. But first….. did you happen to bring some weed?” 

Shannon Lay – Nowhere

I think my Dad would dig this one. I’m gonna send it to him. Shannon is such a beast. I love her band Feels but her solo stuff is taking it to the next level on a folky tip. The B side of this single it a cover of Karen Dalton’s “Something On Your Mind”. Highly recommended.

The Byrds – Everybody’s Been Burned

I wonder how crackin’ it was to go see Easy Rider when it came out in theaters. I bet it was a mess of Hell’s Angels and hippies blazing up and drinking in the theater and the owners flipping out and ranting about how the younger generation was going to hell in a hand basket and whatnot. I’ll have to ask my dad if he remembers going to check it out. I assume he probably won’t remember. 

Tim Buckley – Pleasant Street

Tim Buckley is music for sad Dads. Tear in the beer tunes for boomers. I can only imagine how many times his records got played while the divorce papers sat on the table next to a full ashtray and an empty bottle of whiskey. 

Kurt Vile – Bottle It In

We all know Kurt Vile holds the title for contemporary Dad Rock king. Well him and The War on Drugs, but they go back so it make sense. What is it about steel mill rock that has made such a comeback to where it was almost a subversive movement from the punk ethos that came before it? But Bruce Springsteen was a fan of Suicide and a made a straight banger with Patti Smith so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. Maybe Springsteen was the most punk of all.

Richard & Linda Thompson – I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight

The first concert I ever saw was Richard Thompson. My Dad took me when I was around 12 or 13 and I had unbeknownst to him, Died my hair green with Kool-Aid an hour before we were meant to go to the concert. Needles to say he was not pleased, but ended up forgetting about it once that 1952 Vincent Black Lighting cut came on.

Amon Duul II – 5.55.55

A little German Dad rock for ya! Of Vater Rock rather. Imagine some German Dads rocking out to this in the 70s. Hilarious. 

Warren Zevon – Nigh Time in the Switching Yard

My brothers and I would endlessly beg my Dad to play Werewolves of London. He loved the song, but I’m sure within the 2 year span we were obsessed with the song, he might have become a little sick of it. I can’t blame him but he was pretty ride or die for Zevon. I kind of forgot about Warren until a few years ago when I picked up the record for nostalgia purposes and was blown away by the rest of the album, especially this cut. When Disco is done correctly by a rocker, it’s one of may favorite things ever. 

Iggy Pop – Girls

My Pops was into Iggy in the 70s as well. I’ll never be that cool. I give up!

David Peel and The Lower East Side – The Lower East Side

What’s not to love about this track? Street Rock, baby. You can’t beat it. Punk wouldn’t be anything without David Peel. Lennon loved him and so should you. 

– Al Lover


Teen Mortgage - Devil Ultrasonic Dream (Levitation Edition) PRE-ORDER


L.A. Witch - DOGGOD (Levitation Edition) PRE-ORDER


Thee Oh Sees - Carrion Crawler / The Dream (PRE-ORDER)


Frankie and the Witch Fingers - ZAM (PRE-ORDER)


Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Sidewalk (PRE-ORDER)


Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Heavy Roller (PRE-ORDER)


Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Brain Telephone (PRE-ORDER)


Frankie and the Witch Fingers - S/T (PRE-ORDER)
