13 From The 13th Floor | 5.13.20

13 From The 13th Floor | 5.13.20

by web developer on May 13, 2020
13 From The 13th Floor | 5.13.20 - LEVITATION
13 from The 13th Floor! Jake Garcia of The Black Angels serving up another platter of classic-era psychedelic gold! Check out the playlist + Jake’s notes on his selections below.
This Saturday, May 16th, Jake will be back on our IGTV bringing the 13th Floor to your door, with a live DJ set. 8pm CT, tune in HERE.



J.K. and Co. – Fly
An epic swirling dream of a song! Jay Kaye was only 15 when he wrote this in early 1968. The album wasn’t well-promoted at the time and remains barely known, even by many psych-heads. We can enjoy it here.

We The People – In The Past
Genuine Florida, USA garage circa 1967. That interesting middle-eastern string sound is a 1920s 8-string Octofone that the group found in someone’s attic.
Unfortunately the draft of the Viet Nam War broke the group up back in the day. Although I’ve been a 60’s garage fanatic since I was young I had never heard this song until my friend Sean Lennon hipped me to it. So, thanks Sean! That’s the beauty of sharing music. I’ve since discovered Delphine (France) also does a great version of this!

Selda – Ince Ince
This Turkish Psyche Gem has been sampled by DR Dre, Mos Def etc. but she actually spent time in jail because of the political lyrical content of the song. Her beautiful voice pierces though the fuzz with desperation and makes you feel it. Thanks to all of the artists for giving Selda the light that she deserves through sampling credit after all of these years.

Pink Floyd – Paintbox
The Syd Barrett era single was originally released in 1967 and sang by Richard Wright. It’s unique arrangement takes you on a wonderful imaginative journey through a dream had. This is also the first of many Pink Floyd songs to prominently feature an E minor added ninth chord which ultimately defined the “Darkside” sound.
Os Mutantes – 2001
From their self-titled record circa 1969, Brasil. It sounds like there was an actual donkey recorded on that track? They would be the ones to do it and every song on this record is fantastic! I can’t say enough about this group and how they’ve inspired me through the years.

Jacqueline Taieb – Le Coeur Au Bout Des Doigts
One of my favorite 45s from France circa 1967. Her voice is the definition of cool and the band is impeccable. I could listen to this everyday and not get tired of it.

Mothers of Invention – Trouble Everyday
Released in 1966 on The Mothers of Invention debut album “Freak Out!” Frank Zappa wrote the song at 1819 Bellevue Avenue, Echo Park, Los Angeles, the residence of a methamphetamine chemist referred to by Zappa as “Wild Bill the Mannequin-Fucker” after watching news coverage of the Watts Riots.  Originally dubbed “The Watts Riot Song”,  it’s primary lyrical themes are racial violence, social injustice, and sensationalist journalism.

Golden Wing – Hear Me
From Sumatra circa 1969. Golden Wing first began as members of their high-school basketball team “the Golden Eagles” before deciding to start a psychedelic rock group. Band leader Adhimantra is said to have enjoyed hanging upside-down in concert.

Silver Apples – Seagreen Serenades
NYC Circa 1967, Silver Apples remain one of pop music’s true enigmas.
Unfortunately their career was ended early due to the photo on the front cover of their second LP (Contact) which depicted them with drug paraphernalia in the cockpit of an airplane, resulting in a lawsuit from Pan American.

Zia – Helel Yos
100% wild Iranian Psyche-Funk from Zia Atabay. Not much else is known but I’m so glad this exists!

Kevin Ayers – Song for Insane Times
This song couldn’t be more fitting today from Kevin Ayer’s debut album circa 1969. These are insane times indeed. I love the stoned delivery of Ayers on this one and such an original voice. He was a founding member of The Soft Machine and he also worked with The Pretty Things among others. After a Soft Machine tour of the US with the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Ayers had decided to retire from the music business (probably a pretty heavy trip). Hendrix, however, presented Ayers with an acoustic Gibson J-200 guitar on the condition that he continue his songwriting and this album is the result.

The Legends – Fever Games
An excellent example of the “power trio” that was so popular in the 1960’s ala Hendrix Experience, Blue Cheer and Cream. Pennsylvania guitarist Dave Hartman does an incredible Hendrix flare on his guitar here and even mentions Jimi by name in the song.

Ellison – Strawberry Rain
A monster psychedelic floater from Montreal circa 1971. This is the heaviest song with clean guitars that I know of as the lyrics begin with “black mass in heaven.” Only one album is known from Ellison and it consists of just 7 songs. Thanks to everyone for listening and enjoy. Until next time, stay safe and much love.

– Jake Garcia


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